Who am I?

Well, I guess it is time for the customary “first blog post” where I introduce myself and the site. Hi! My name is Aaron Lomax and I am a fishaholic. When I am not spending my time with a pole in my hand, I am spending it working my life away. My life is filled with so many blessings, not the least of which is my daughter Lilli. She is three(soon to be four), and is easily the most amazing child I have ever met. Raising her has put life in a new perspective for me. I really grew up when she came in to the world. Another blessing I have received is in the form of my soon to be wife, Elizabeth. She is beautiful, intelligent, hilarious, and all around perfect. I met her in a very dark part of my life and she has turned me towards living a responsible, happy life. I would not be where I am today without Jesus. As a reborn christian, it still amazes me how much of an impact God has on my life. He has blessed me in so many ways, whether it is my family, my friends, the camp kids I get to spend a week of my summer with, or the support network I have built. Last year, I chose to be baptized, something I had really been struggling with before deciding to follow through on it. I chose to demonstrate my faith at the aforementioned youth camp where, amazingly, I was blessed to be able to give the kids an example of what a christian should do. It truly humbled me to do it in front of 200+ kids, especially when I heard so many of them say they wanted to get baptized. I love Jesus, and I love serving Him. One of my favorite ways to do so is by prayer and meditation. Meditating on the will of the Lord is, in my opinion, the best way to get in touch with His will for us. For me, it is easiest to do so when I have a fishing rod in my hand. Bass fishing is my favorite form of the sport, but I enjoy all varieties of fishing. There is just something about standing on the bank of a body of water that allows the mind to relax and focus on what is truly important in life. I have had many conversations with God while fishing. This blog is going to be my way of sharing my experience with God, fishing, and, occasionally, other random interjections. I mean, what can I say? I’m a proud daddy, both to my daughter and my furry child named Midnight. He is a golden retriever/Australian shepherd mix and has the most interesting dog personality. I’m sure some of his shenanigans will make it on to here. Now that I have completed the first blog, I leave you with a bit of scripture that, I hope, will cause you to think.

Jesus said unto him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” -John 14:6